Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Ashampoo WinOptimizer Full Keygen

Ashampoo WinOptimizer ini berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kinerja sistem. System akan terbebas dari sampah yang tidak perlu. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 menawarkan dua modul baru yaitu Registry Defrag dan Inspektur HDD. Sobat dapat mengoptimalkan dengan satu kali klik. langsung cek sob..

New functions and improvements

Registry Defrag: This module optimizes and defragments the Windows® registry so that your operating system works stable and smooth.
HDD Inspector: It analyzes the health status of your hard disk drives and can therefore identify possible problems at an early stage, before your valuable data are lost due to a hard drive failure.
Optimization 2.0: Updated algorithms ensure improved performance of automatic maintenance for more thorough results and at the same time an accelerated execution of the most popular modules and functions.
These include:
-        System analysis with new updated fully automatic function and direct access to details
-        One-Click Optimization with a new compact overview and summary
-        Drive Cleaner with updated formats and applications
-        Registry Optimizer with improved effectiveness and enhanced speed
-        Internet Cleaner with updated browser profiles of the most popular browsers

User interface: The improved interface provides a more direct access to all important functions and features and still offers the usual smooth handling of our unrivaled homogeneous handling concept. This includes explanations and views for an invariably intuitive handling.
Different views: Easier selection due to new views: An overview of all modules, a list of categories as well as precise descriptions of all actions that can be performed.
File Wiper: Improved performance and handling when permanently deleting data and detailed information as well as a direct link to the Windows® recycle bin.
Undeleter: New context menu linking to the Windows® recycle bin allows specific recovery of data from the Windows® recycle bin.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 - System requirements

Operating System:
Windows® XP, Windows Vista® (32bit/64bit) and Windows® 7 (32bit/64bit).

Any computer that runs one of the above operating systems at a reasonable speed.

Main Memory (RAM)
The size of the main storage is insignificant for the employment of the program. We refer to the recommendations of the operating system in use from Microsoft.

Hard Drive Space:
90 MB for the program files plus some additional space for backup files.

Full administrative rights are required to use the program.

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