Notepad++ adalah editor pengganti Notepad yang mendukung beberapa
bahasa. Berjalan di MS Windows, penggunaannya diatur oleh Lisensi GPL.
Software ini bisa meng-edit ASP, ASCII art, Assembly, AutoIt, BAT, C,
C#, C++, Caml, CSS, doxygen, FORTRAN, HTML, Haskell, Java, javascript,
KiXtart, Lisp, Lua, makefile, Matlab, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP,
PostScript, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Unix Shell Script, Smalltalk, SQL,
Tcl, TeX, Verilog, VHDL, VB/VBScript, XML. Cukup Lengkap untuk software
yang free. Walaupun di Windows sudah ada notepad tersendiri namun notepad++ cocok untuk seorang programmer.. langsung cek sob..
Notepad++ v6.1.3 enhancement and fixed bugs:
- Enhance the performance issue for xml matching tags highlighting and for displaying clickable links.
- While the amount of file to open is larger than 200, a dialog will be shown to warn user.
- Fix Notepad++ close bug while move one cloned new empty document
into another view, in the destination contained only this new empty
- Fix hanging problem while double-click on a project folder then (immediately) drag it.
- Fix a bug while command argument contain an empty string ("").
- Fix mouse cursor disappearing bug on right click while a project item is dragging.
Included plugins (Unicode)
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- NppFTP 0.24.1
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Plugin Manager 1.0.8
- Converter 3.0
Untuk download file gunakan IDM yang bisa sobat cari ..
Segera lakukan download sebelum file terhapus..
Klik link download dan SKIP AD pojok kanan atas untuk melanjutkan proses..
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